Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Great day

Saw this quote on David Warlick
"Today’s exams are deadly. They test on a very narrow sampling of the skills that are crucial to the future. There are good exams out there. But they are expensive, by four or five times. We need fewer exams and much better ones."

That makes real sense. why do we worry so much about assessment? What is important is teaching and learning. Assessment can drive, develop, critique and support teaching and learning but on its on it is meaningless. Where is the value of assessment only?

Spent a lot of today thinking about what makes a difference in our school. Where is our point of difference? Did really good thinking with my senior team about where we are and where we want to be. Are we going to build on our strengths or weaknesses? Really good action around leadership in schools.

Went to a debate tonight about "Is the media strangling leadership in New Zealand?" form the excelerator institute. Good stuff but really where is the technology taking the media and what does this mean for our interpretation and understanding of information is the big issue. this is not touched.
Do RSS feeds and readers make traditional media obsolete? in my view yes as my knowledge now comes via that and a little from the radio while in Auckland traffic. I control what I want not some gatekeeper newspaper editor!

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