Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Just spent the day at the Experienced Principals Development run by Auckland University. What a day!

  • Vivianne Robinson on Promoting Educationally Powerful Connections
  • Graeme Aitken on Helping Students Make Connections
  • Educational Connections for Maori with Russell Bishop
  • Simon Denny on The Health and Well-Being of New Zealand's youth

Four excellent presenters with great stuff.

Some ideas for me to consider

From Vivianne first

  • Relational trust must come first
  • We need to 'train' our parents if we want them to be involved in the learning.
  • There is no research that there is any crossover between involvement in one area of school life and increase in student achievement
  • Why do parents of older children not want to be involved in learning?

From Graeme

  • Evidence does not need to be perfect
  • 3-5 aligned experiences 2-3 days apart is important
  • We do not need a child-centred learning or curriculum-centred learning we need connectedness between the two

From Russell

  • Relationships, relationships, relationships
  • Everyone's achievement improves when connectedness but Maori improve quicker.
  • Are our resources culturally (and gender) acceptable? Need to check!

From Simon

  • Connectedness is important in resiliency. Connected adolescents survive!

A great day for huge additions to my knowledge.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Been thinking a lot about how to get learners to achieve. As well as the knowledge and skills of a subject it is also important that learners know the skills of how to be organised, time management, organising work books, keeping data together etc. Saw an interesting programme in operation in how to keep this at the forefront at Albany Senior High School.

Considering trying this next year for some groups. Am starting to develop how it woll work.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Learning culture

Just read David Warlick's post about developing a learning culture. Great ideas about how to move learning from the back to the front of teacher's thinking. I've printed it off and are going to follow these all the time.

Got a meeting today and will be sharing them there as well.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Salary Claim

The teacher's salary claim seems to be heading down an unnecessary path. Negotiations have been going on for five months now.

Unfortunately the Ministry started off with big demands and big clawbacks. One things teachers do have is good memories. Looks like everyone is going to make big lines in the sand which are going to be difficult to jump over.

Can't see a solution anytime soon.